September 11, 2013

My first appointment today is a lady, late 20’s, ABS (always been single), highly educated, her long term goal is marriage and children.

She has her Master’s degree and plans to change careers in the next couple of years. She will be debt free, except for her house, and have enough in savings and investments to pursue her goals.

She is confident and focused and understands the value of finding the right man to marry and be the father of their children. She would like to be a stay at home mom, home school her kids and, in addition to having her own children, she would like to adopt at least one child. She has a heart for the homeless and foster children.

She is celibate and plans to remain celibate until she is married.
I said “Do you want me to share that information when I match you?”
She said “I think I do want you to share that upfront. I want a man who will support my decision, and hopefully appreciate how important it is for me. Intimacy is something I want to experience only with my husband.”

She has spent her 20’s traveling the world and working on her education. Therefore, her relationship experience is very limited.
I said “You are so pretty, I am sure you have men who have been interested in dating you.”
She said “Yes, but dating has never been a priority until now.”
A friend asked her if she had ever considered a matchmaker. She went online and discovered my website.
She said “I spent an hour reading your blog and I wanted to meet you. It just felt right.”

She is very physically active and enjoys doing the Incline, loves to swim, belongs to a running club, and has a keen interest in history. She is a strong believer and loves Jesus and God. Someday she might want to run for public office.

I believe she will do everything she sets her mind to and the only missing piece is finding the right partner.
She said “I feel really good about this and I think it will be so much easier with your help.”
She is an amazing young woman and I look forward to working with her.

My second appointment is a lady, mid 40’s, divorced, highly educated, and her long term goal is marriage. She is new to Colorado Springs and looks at my service as a means to not only meet the right man, but to also make some new friends.

She enjoys belly dancing, working out, rock climbing, and horseback riding. In the few months she has been here she has already bought a home and has started a mountaineering class. She likes nice restaurants, good wine and would love to go to some concerts. She is a lifelong learner and will probably always be taking new classes that interest her. She is very excited to be in Colorado Springs and plans to stay here.
She said “My career has taken me all over the world but I want to make Colorado Springs my home.”

She is Catholic and would prefer to meet a Catholic man.
She said “I would like to meet a man who would pray with me and go to church with me.”

She is fit, has beautiful olive skin, gorgeous, flowing black hair and looks like a Spanish model. She also has the most perfect lips I have ever seen in my life.
I said “I hate to be tacky and ask you this, but are those your natural lips?”
She laughed and said “Yes, I owe the thanks to my mother.”

She is attracted to Caucasian, Latino and European men. Her age preference is ideally 44 to 49, height preference is 5’8 or taller, she has no children and she prefers to meet a man who either has no children, or children who are grown and on their own.

She said “I think I want to work with you Donna, but I want to think about this for a few days and get back to you.”
About 95% of the time someone tells me they want “ to think about it” I can predict whether or not I think they will follow through.
I think she will be a new client soon.

I was in the grocery store the other day and I heard someone call my name. This couple approached me and he said “I told Kelly, I think that’s Donna.”
He must have seen the uncertain look on my face and he explained that I had matched them. I am usually very good about recognizing people but they were both new clients when I matched them.
She said “You matched us a year and a half ago and we wanted to thank you.” I could not recall them letting me know they were dating each other.
I went back to my office and looked at their cards. I matched them in March of 2012. He was her first match and she was his first match. The feedback from him after their initial meeting was “I liked her but I am not sure I feel that spark.” Her feedback was much more positive, she was very interested in seeing him again.
I had to smile because it was another example of a spark that obviously grew. They looked very happy together and it makes me want to say one more time, don’t always look to be knocked off your socks when you first meet someone. Sometimes it’s just a little spark that continues to grow as to get to know and like someone.

To be continued………………………